Having a sponsor
Having a sponsor
It is important to have a sponsor in order to be able to work the twelve steps. A sponsor is a sober addict who has taken the twelve steps and is available to guide others in step work and support them in recovery. The sponsor is not an employed advisor or professional therapist. He or she is also not responsible for someone else's sobriety. The sponsor's main tool is his or her experience, strength and hope. A sponsor has also been a newcomer and has used the CA Program to deal with problems similar to those the newcomer now has.
The easiest way to find a sponsor is to go to a meeting and listen to those who share their experiences. At the end of the meeting, available sponsors are usually asked to raise their hand. After the meeting, just walk up to one of them and tell them that you're looking for a sponsor. A recommendation is to choose a sponsor who is not of the opposite sex or the gender you are attracted to. Don't wait too long to get a sponsor!