Contact committees & districts
Contact CA Sweden Committees
In all committees it's possible to be of service. Contact the committee you think needs help, or where you feel you can help te most. Only CA members can be of service.
CA in Sweden has no office and no employees, but consists of recovering addicts in different meeting groups and committees. Since our members are anonymous, you will not find any personal contact information on this site.
Cocaine anonymous Sweden service organization
CASSO consists of five people who work together to make CA Sweden area work smoothly. CASSO is responsible for CA Sweden's economy and for organizing area meetings. CASSO also gets input from CA groups and forwards it to delegates or directly to CA world's organization in the United States.
In addition to these two, there's also a secretary and two other members.
If you want to participate in CASSO, you can nominate yourself for a service position. Members rotate their service positions after two years and are voted on at the area meeting.
Submit a motion, ask a question, give your opinion or nominate a member for a service position on a committee on the Matters to CASSO page.
What is an area meeting?
Area meetings are meetings where representatives from different meeting groups and committees, belonging to the same geographical area, meet and discuss overall issues related to CA. CA Sweden is one area. Everyone is welcome at an area meeting, even those who are not representatives of any group or committee. However, only group and committee representatives are entitled to vote on matters raised at area meetings.
CA Sweden Swish
CA Sweden Bankgiro
The delegates represent CA Sweden's area in a larger context within CA's organization in the world.
Hospitals & Institutions
The main purpose of CA is carrying the message of recovery to those who are still suffering. One way we do this is by visiting, prisons, psychiatric clinics, detox clinics, treatment centers, halfway houses, etc. to talk about the 12 Steps and make people aware that CA exists. The Committee within CA that works with reaching out to these places is called H&I.
Public Information
The PI Committee is responsible for making CA's name and program familiar through information to the media and other actors in society. This can be done through information in radio, press, TV, web or social media. This can also be done through communication with other relevant actors. The Committee is responsible for the management of CA Sweden's website including online store. All matters relating to the publication of content on the site are handled by the PI Committee.
CA Sweden Helpline
46(0)735-83 86 30
The Helpline Committee is responsible for ensuring that there are always people answering CA Sweden Helpline phone.
The Literature Committee is responsible for books, pamphlets and chip. They make sure they are packaged and sent to the groups.
Swish Literature Committee
Meeting admin
Meeting Admin is responsible for keeping the meeting list up to date and administering the meeting groups' email addresses.
The Unity Committees’ purpose is to enhance our communication and outreach among the diverse elements within the fellowship in the interest of carrying the CA message and to promote CA unity.
The Convention Committee is responsible for creating recurring events and happenings for CA members. Every year a larger convention is organized by CA Sweden.
Contact districts
A district is a unit that includes a number of groups within a geographical area. The main purpose of a district is to unite the groups through regular contact, understand their challenges and help contribute to the growth and well-being of the groups. Each district has a committee that includes a district representative. The district representative represents the groups at area meetings.
CA District West
CA District Sthlm
CA District Gävledala
CA District North/Online
Contact CA World
Cocaine Anonymous World Service Office
The World Service Office is where we turn to when we have questions about the international fellowship. CASSO is responsible for this communication along with the Delegates.
11460 N. Cave Creek Road, Suite 12
Phoenix, AZ 85020
Phone: +1 3105 595 833
Head of operations:
World Service Board of trustees
A trustee is a voted person responsible for assisting in matters involving CA as a whole, whether internally or externally. WSBT meets quarterly. More about these can be read in The Service Manual, which can be found here ➔
Office Board: