Do you have a problem with drugs or alcohol?
The person in the picture has no connection to the text.
Do you have the same problem we had?
In CA, members often describe the problem as having difficulty controlling when we choose to use drugs or drink alcohol and when we use/drink we lose the ability to decide how much we use/drink. We have developed a kind of "mental obsession" and a "physical allergy". The mental obsession involves an irresistible thought of drugs or alcohol and the next high. Despite increasing consequences or promises to ourselves to stop, we use/drink again. The physical allergy makes us react differently to drugs and alcohol than normal people. We lose our ability to stop using or drink once we have started.
Do you have difficulty controlling at which times you choose to use drugs or drink alcohol?
When you use drugs or drink alcohol, do you find it difficult to limit the amount you use/drink?
If you recognize yourself, you may have the same problem we had. Only you can decide.
Drug addiction/alcoholism is a disease that affects us mentally, physically and spiritually. The disease is chronic and progressive, meaning there is no cure that turns us into non-drug addicts/alcoholics and seen over time the problem only gets worse.
The solution through the 12 Step Program
We, who today, identify ourselves as members of CA came to CA because our drug use or drinking had become a problem that was difficult for us to solve ourselves, although we were often reluctant to admit it. Many of us were doubtful that CA and CA's 12 Steps would be the solution to our problem.
We have found that through the practice of the program – CA's 12 Steps – we have moved from the problem of drug and alcohol addiction to the solution for recovery. Today we are sober and free from addiction.
You'll find us at CA meetings — we are there to help you and other addicts achieve the same freedom that we ourselves have found. Part of the 12th Step is to help others – by doing so, we keep our own sobriety.
Only you can decide if you want CA's program, no one else can make that decision for you.
CA Helpline Sweden : +46(0)735-83 86 30
The helpline is mainly for those who have a problem with drugs or alcohol and want to get in touch with us. You can call at any time of the day. If we don't respond, you have the option to leave a message if you want us to call you back.