Corona information from CASSO

Information regarding Corona from CASSO

With the spread of Corona, CASSO (CA Sweden Service Organisation) want to make some recommendations.

We are faced with an unusual and serious situation that could damage our health system, with unknown consequences for ourselves and our fellow human beings. It is not time for self-righteousness, but a time to take personal responsibility and put our common welfare first. We would therefore ask you all to work together to implement the precautions needed to ensure that we all feel safe at our meetings until the authorities report that the danger is over. We do not hug, but find other ways to show love and consideration to each other. We do not send around chips, but place them up front at the meeting table so that we can all send loving thoughts. Get your chip after the meeting.

The meeting groups take responsibility for following the Swedish Public Health Agency's recommendations by ensuring that too many people do not gather in the meeting rooms and that chairs are not placed too tightly.

We also recommend using CA Online meetings if you are sick or worried.