Time to nominate new Chair of CASSO
Time to nominate new Chair of CASSO
Nominate by filling in the form further down the page. The new chairman will be appointed at the area meeting on August 27 2022, which takes place in connection with the Sweden Convention in Borlänge. The nominees must be consulted and are recommended to attend the meeting.
Questions? Email casso@ca-sweden.se.
The deadline for nominations is July 11, 2022.
The service assignment involves the following:
Overall responsibility for CASSO.
Organize the area meeting every 3 months, put together the meeting agenda and book the venue for the area meeting.
Answer general questions asked to CASSO, find out answers if necessary and support the groups in case of problems. Be the spider in the web.
Always get back as soon as possible in case of any questions and follow up.
Chair CASSO meetings before area meetings.
Drive CA Swedens development forward.
Only the right to vote in the event of a tie.
Responsible for CA s bank account along with the treasurer.
Desirable knowledge and qualities:
Energetic and responsible.
Good knowledge of the Traditions.
Previously performed service assignments in CA.
Desirable minimum period of sobriety: 2 years.
Length of service assignment: 2 years.
Nominate Chair of CASSO
You can nominate yourself or other CA member.
What is CASSO?
CASSO consists of five people who work together to make CA Sweden area work smoothly. CASSO is responsible for CA Sweden's economy and for organizing area meetings. CASSO also gets input from CA groups and forwards it to delegates or directly to CA world's organization in the United States.
What is an area meeting?
Area meetings are meetings where representatives from different meeting groups and committees, belonging to the same geographical area, meet and discuss overall issues related to CA. CA Sweden is one area.
Nu är det dags att nominera en ordförande för arkivkommittén. Nominera dig själv eller en annan CA-medlem. Du nominerar genom att använda formuläret i artikeln.
Now is the time to nominate a new Chair of the Sweden Convention 2025, Vice Chair of CASSO and Chair of Unity. Nominate yourself or another CA member. You nominate by using the form in the article.
Now is the time to nominate a new CASSO member, CASSO chair, Helpline chair, Retreat Committee chair, Hospitals & Institutions (S&I) chair, Unity chair and vice delegate. Nominate yourself or another CA member. You nominate by using the form in the article.
Now is the time to nominate a new Vice President of CASSO and President of Unity. Nominate yourself or another CA member. You nominate by using the form in the article.
Now is the time to nominate a new Chair of the 2024 Swedish Convention, Vice Chair of CASSO, member of CASSO and Chair of Unity. You nominate by using the form in the article.
Now is the time to nominate a new member of CASSO and chair of Unity. Nominate yourself or another CA member. You nominate by using the form in the article.
Now is the time to nominate a new CASSO secretary, CASSO member and Unity chair. Nominate yourself or another CA member. You nominate by using the form in the article.
Now is the time to nominate a new CASSO Treasurer, S&I Chair, PI Chair and Literature Committee Chair. Nominate yourself or another CA member. You nominate by using the form in the article.
Now is the time to nominate a new CASSO member. Nominate yourself or another CA member. You nominate by using the form in the article.
Now is the time to nominate a new Chair for the 2023 Swedish Convention. Nominate yourself or another CA member. You nominate by using the form in the article.
Now is the time to nominate a Chair for the Archives Committee. Nominate yourself or another CA member. You nominate by using the form in the article.
Now you can nominate yourself or another CA member to Chair of casso. You nominate by using the form.
Now is the time to nominate a new Helpline Chair. Nominate yourself or another CA member. You nominate by using the form in the article.
Now is the time to nominate a new Vice Delegate, S&I Chair and Archives Committee Chair. Nominate yourself or another CA member. You nominate by using the form in the article.
A new batch of flyers and business cards has arrived from the printer. New - posters in A4 format and stickers!
On Saturday, October 17, CA arranged an event where some members painted the legal graffiti wall in Tantolunden in Stockholm.